10/20/17 to 10/22/17: Obstacle Course Camp with TSG 31, 33 & 77 at Camp HQ
October 20, 2017 @ 4:00 pm - October 22, 2017 @ 10:00 am
| $15Typical camp schedule and cost.
We will be hosting TSG31 and 77 for this camp out. Soon-to-be TSG33 (Captain Koch) will be there co-camping with TSG1 as well. It should be a blast!
Since we might well exceed 100 members, please pay extra attention to the desired layout so you’ll know where to set your tents. Park tightly please, so there will be enough room for everyone. Remember that we may bring vehicles to offload, but they need to be relocated to the parking area.
Early registration since this one will require extra logistics and organization. Lt. Vidimos will put together an obstacles list and a map. We would like to assign obstacle construction (simple) and setup to specific families. It will spread the workload and help planning.
Overview of the property:
Detailed 10/20/17 camping plan:
BRING GLOVES (MARKED!) FOR THE OBSTACLE COURSE (to prevent ropes burns and splinters)
Please prepare a quality skit or story (to be approved by the cadet’s Lt.). No silliness, crudeness, or improvisation, please.