Please remember that Mater Dei takes this mission very seriously. Please do so as well. You will be representing the church and the troops. It is also a great lesson for our cadets. Let them lead as much as practical and age appropriate. Practice approaching people, answering basic parish questions, and what TSG/TSG1 is about and how it is ran and structured. If this is putting you in a panic state since you are a new MD parishioner and don’t know anything about the layout or where things are, consider shadowing /another family before your turn comes.

Also remember that if you cannot cover your slot, YOU are responsible for finding someone to switch with you, and letting Eric know of the switch. Please contact Eric Gruchet at 214-213-0216 ONLY IF you have exhausted all your resources, or if you have general questions about this program or its execution.

Last reminder, let Eric know if supplies look like they would run before the following Sunday.

NEW TIME SLOT AS OF May 2023: AFTER THE 1130 MASS. Odd Sundays only.

05/07/23: Hatfield, Christopher – 1130 Mass (907-229-4135)

05/21/23: Peters, Lance – 1130 Mass (425-223-0404)

06/04/23: Simonitis, Ken – 1130 Mass (970-690-9571)

06/18/23: Toups, Brad – 1130 Mass (972-375-1934)

07/02/23: Barragan, Jorge – 1130 Mass (469-610-9903)

07/16/23: Hatfield, Christopher – 1130 Mass (907-229-4135)

07/30/23: Sczepanik, Will – 1130 Mass (801-347-4748)

08/06/23: Simonitis, Ken – 1130 Mass (970-690-9571)

08/20/23: Hatfield, Christopher – 1130 Mass (907-229-4135)

09/03/23: Simonitis, Ken – 1130 Mass (970-690-9571)

09/17/23: Toups, Brad – 1130 Mass (972-375-1934)

10/01/23: Barragan, Jorge – 1130 Mass (469-610-9903)

10/15/23: Sczepanik, Will – 1130 Mass (801-347-4748)

10/29/23: Hatfield, Christopher – 1130 Mass (907-229-4135)

11/05/23: Simonitis, Ken – 1130 Mass (970-690-9571)

11/19/23: Toups, Brad – 1130 Mass (972-375-1934)

12/03/23: Barragan, Jorge – 1130 Mass (469-610-9903)

12/17/23: Sczepanik, Will – 1130 Mass (801-347-4748)

12/31/23: Hatfield, Christopher – 1130 Mass (907-229-4135)

01/07/24: Simonitis, Ken – 1130 Mass (970-690-9571)

01/21/24: Toups, Brad – 1130 Mass (972-375-1934)

02/04/24: Barragan, Jorge – 1130 Mass (469-610-9903)

02/18/24: Sczepanik, Will – 1130 Mass (801-347-4748)

03/03/24: Hatfield, Christopher – 1130 Mass (907-229-4135)

03/17/24: Simonitis, Ken – 1130 Mass (970-690-9571)

03/31/24: Toups, Brad – 1130 Mass (972-375-1934)

04/07/24: Barragan, Jorge – 1130 Mass (469-610-9903)

04/21/24: Barragan, Jorge – 1130 Mass (469-610-9903) for Sczepanik, Will

05/05/24: Hatfield, Christopher – 1130 Mass (907-229-4135)

05/19/24: Simonitis, Ken – 1130 Mass (970-690-9571)

06/02/24: Toups, Brad – 1130 Mass (972-375-1934)

06/16/24: Sczepanik, Will – 1130 Mass (801-347-4748) for Barragan, Jorge

06/30/24: Sczepanik, Will – 1130 Mass (801-347-4748)

07/07/24: Hatfield, Christopher – 1130 Mass (907-229-4135)

07/21/24: Toups, Brad (for Simonitis, Ken) – 1130 Mass (972-375-1934)

08/04/24: Simonitis, Ken (for Toups, Brad) – 1130 Mass (970-690-9571)

08/25/24: Barragan, Jorge – 1130 Mass (469-610-9903)