This event has passed.
11/13/20-11/15/20 Camp: North Texas Shootout in Olney, TX with Troops 1, 31, 33, 77
November 13, 2020 @ 4:00 pm - November 15, 2020 @ 10:00 am
| $15RSVP:
1. THERE IS NO PRIEST AVAILABLE TO JOIN US, SO RECONCILIATION AND MASS WON’T BE HELD AT THE CAMP LOCATION. That said, Mass is at 8:30 in Olney on Sunday morning ( 11 miles NW of or 15 min distant from the Camp location, by these directions: https://goo.gl/maps/ywUhoe7P2WuuRtdY7) and a second mass will be held at 11:00 am at St Mary’s Catholic church in Graham, TX located about 18 mi (25 min) SSE of the camp (https://goo.gl/maps/D74fsLaUvggJoZ116). We will break camp a bit earlier so that folks can get to Mass with their families if they wish.
2. Here is a link to a map to the exact location of the camp near Olney, Tx which is located about 135 miles NW of Dallas at a private ranch, and directions to it are found here:
VIEW IN GOOGLE MAPS 3. Arrive any time Friday, the gate is unlocked . Capt. Toups expects to arrive around 4 pm but there is nothing to stop your earlier arrival. Bring your guns, ammo, and fishing rod if you like. 4. Emergency Services: Olney is in Young County. The nearest emergency room is in Olney (15 min NW from camp) at the Olney Hamilton Hospital. Here is the contact info: +19405645521 https://olneyhamiltonhospital.com/services/emergency-care/ Young County Sherriff’s Office: +19405491555 located at 315 N Cliff Rd, Graham, TX about 25 minutes SSE from camp. Here is a map to the sheriffs’ dept: https://goo.gl/maps/Tm6d3HnEoJRr19F97 5. We will have a TSG sign at the entrance to the property off the dirt county road. I recommend you arrive in the daylight as it will far easier find True Road, and the entrance to the private property off of True Road to set up and get situated if you are not having to do it in the dark. Cell phone coverage is spotty, so best print out physical maps to the camp and bring them with you, as you should for maps to the Catholic church should you decide to attend Mass on Sunday morning locally. |
Troops Participating: 1 (about 20 of us total) and troops 31, 33, and 77
Approx. number of folks: 60 total
Guns: Bring your own and bring ammunition if you have them and wish to do so.
Guns for competition: we will focus the competition using 22 pistols and rifles. Will also do some skeet shooting with shotguns
Dads: IF you have experience teaching firearms training and handling, please volunteer to help teach the cadets.
Cost: Cost will be $15/person, or $45/family max. Also, please be aware that we will take up a collection ($5/person or .22 cal or shotgun ammo equivalent) to offset the use of the .22 cal ammo and shotgun shells and skeet for the event.
Here’s what will happen.
Arrive any time during the day, but come fed.
8 pm. Campfire; Smore’s and Rosary
7::00 Revile
7:30 Morning Prayer and Flag Raising
7:45 Breakfast
8:45 Start Rotation of Activities
Group 1: Gun Safety and Gun firing
Group 2 Gun Building and cleaning.
Group 3 Hike to N End of Property and Back
10:00 am
Group 1: Hike to N End of Property and Back
Group 2 Gun Safety and Gun firing.
Group 2 Gun Safety and Gun firing.
Group 3 Gun Building and cleaning
11:15 am
Group 1: Gun Building and cleaning
Group 2 Hike to N End of Property and Back
Group 3, Gun Safety and Gun firing.
Group 2 Hike to N End of Property and Back
Group 3, Gun Safety and Gun firing.
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Shooting Competition
Flag prep for Flag Retirement during evening campfire
4:00 pm Prepare dinner dessert competition entries.
5:30 pm Vespers and Lowering the Colors
6:30 pm Pulled Pork BBQ. Meat provided, each troop will provide a bread and side item for all.
8:00 pm Campfire:
Captain Appointments
Dessert Competition
10:00 Night Hike
11:00 Lights Out
7:30 am Reveille
8:00 am Morning Prayer
8:30 am Breakfast- lite breakfast, coffee and oatmeal or other similar lite fare.
10:00 am Break Camp
Thank you. God bless.