Sat. 11/12/16: Day activity: Veterans’ Day Event at Porter’s Army Navy – Flag Retirement Ceremony
November 12, 2016 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
| FreeClass A uniforms, freshly pressed!
Remember that you now have direct order option on troopsofsaintgeorge.org.
You must be in complete Class A to be part of the Flag Retirement Ceremony itself.
The event is opened to families.
Free event, but donations are encouraged since all the supplies needed for our “Patriot Kits” will be out of the troop pocket (approx. $400).
This is our yearly patriotic service. Steve Porter has again asked TSG1 to lead their Flag Retirement Ceremony that day, which is a great honor. This is the official Irving Veterans’ Day celebration in coordination with the USO. All profits will go towards the shipping of care packages to our deployed troops.
0800-1000: Set-up, assist with event preparation.
0800-1430: Prepare flags for retirement (at the very least 2 teams of 3 cadets needed just for that task)
1000: Possibly posting the Colors with the Paralyzed Veterans of America
1000-1600: Build kits with attendants.
1430: Flag Retirement Ceremony
1600-?: Take-down