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09/25/20-09/27/20 Camp: “Back 2 Basics” at the LBJ Grasslands
September 25, 2020 @ 4:00 pm - September 27, 2020 @ 10:00 am
| $15RSVP:
What: Our new camping year is upon us. We will be joining TSG 33 for a joint Camp at Clear Lake Campground, LBJ National Grasslands for a Back 2 Basics camp: learn knifes safety, fire starting, knot tying, and water purification.
Where: Clear Lake National Grasslands, FS 928, Alvord, Wise County, TX. Located about an hour from Mater Dei to the NW: https://goo.gl/maps/HCygLBGJ1sxyY8rj9
When: 4 pm Friday, thru 11 am Sunday, Sept 25-27, 2020
Food: Friday nite is on you, the troop will purchase food for the campout. You will need your mess kits.
Cost: $15/person or $45/family(max) Please pay on the TSG 1 Website.
What you will need: Bring your knife, Rosary, Field Manual (if you have one) and the things in the attached itinerary.
Sacraments: Fr. McDonnell will hear confessions and say Mass Saturday Afternoon: NOTE: If you or your son(s) wish to serve Mass, please let Capt Toups know before Friday.
Sign up and RSVP (if not attending)at the link above.
Sign up for the year if you have not already done so (right here on the website)!
Camp schedule, location and details at the link below:
Thank you. God bless.