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Sat. 11/09/19 Day Event: Veterans’ Day/Flag Retirement Ceremony at Porter’s Army/Navy
November 9, 2019 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
| FreeRegistration opens 10/21/19
Free event but please RSVP/register for planning purposes.
With TSG5, 31, 33, 1171 (Waco, TX)
Saturday, Nov 9., 2019 will be the next Veterans Day celebration at Porter’s Army/Navy. Porter’s Army/Navy is located here: https://goo.gl/maps/KPax8icEkaeQcK2e7 As in the last several years, TSG 1 invites you to participate, and assist if you can, in some or all of this event. Not only does this event honor veterans, but more importantly, prepares care packages and raises funds to send those care packages to active service personnel worldwide. 100% of the funds raised goes directly into paying postage to ship 10 lb boxes of goodies overseas to soldiers serving now.
As in years past, the role of various TSG troops has been:
1) To man the paintball booth (just about the largest fundraiser at the event, second only to the helecopter ride, I think.)
2) To sell raffle tickets for a M*A*S*H helecopter ride. Cpt Gruchet has once again secured the craft, which he will fly in the day of the event and fly out after it is over.
3) To prepare flags to retire, and most importantly, to
4) Organize and execute the Flag Retirement Ceremony.
Date: Saturday, 11/9/19 from 9 am to 4 pm.
Booths Manned: from about 10 am to 4 pm (except for the flag retirement ceremony practice and ceremony itself)
Practice: meet at 12:30 just to the west of the church parking lot where the noise of the crowd won’t affect the practice.
Flag Retirement: 2 to 3 pm or so.
Volunteering: What can you do? The main tasks are listed below. Think you can let me know by say about thursday Nov 7 what participation your troop can be counted on? Thanks Gentlemen.