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Sat. 07/31/21 Day Event: Trailer Rebuild Part 2 (rescheduled)
July 31, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
| FreeRSVP:
Please RSVP so we can count for meal planning.
As described two weeks ago, we are now ready to complete the trailer rebuild. Attached you will find Charles Zipper’s proposed of the reconfiguration that we will work from. Here is the work we have to do:
1) Big Trailer: replace main rear door hinges by cutting off the old steel hinges and welding a new hinge set on to it, and creating a spare tire mount on it; Small Trailer: tack weld the fender back in place, and fixing the tongue jack.
2) Rebuild the internal structure to accommodate:
a) installation of a new water storage vessel(s) into the trailer, just above the axle. The new tank(s) will hold about 100 gal water +/-
b) install a new on demand cold and heated water and pump system, complete with flow control and hose storage, and dish wash station storage
3) build several wooden storage boxes to hold various sets together
a) one for cooking grates
b) some to store the and their shelters
c) some to store long handled utensils
d) table storage
4) Make sure we fully utilize the various standard size packing boxes we have and reorganize the use of them
5) reframe the interior to the degree needed to accommodate better food and supply storage
a) put some hangers on the wall to allow better tool storage
b) fix up a sheet metal plate in the trailer so the magnetic ‘duty blocks’ (e.g., ‘cook’, ‘firewood”, ” Latrine duty”, etc.) can be displayed once again to aid in fairly divvying up the work at campouts.
When it is all said and done, we will have two fully outfitted trailers, one for short trips (like day events) the other for campouts of virtually any length, and we will have modularized the materials in the large trailer to easily accommodate our supply access whether we have 6 or 30 campers on a given campout.
At present, we need our dads with talents in:
Welding: to get the mandatory metal grinding, cutting, and welding done (trailer hinges and trailer wheel fender), and to repair tongue jacks
Carpentry: leading the interior reframing.
Plumbing: to run the water system, including the propane system needed for the hot water components
Electric: to power the water system
Painters: to lead the repainting of the small wooden trailer, and if possible to apply new emblems to both trailers.
Cooks: to organize our boxes of cast iron, utensils, mixing bowls, and etc., dry goods, spices, and staples/ extra foods that we should always have
Master Modulator: someone that is a very good packrat to help us organize the trailer such that everything has its place and minimize ‘hunting and rummaging’ thru things to find what we need.
How will we accomplish this?
We will divide up into groups, each group taking a section of the work- no overlap, no confusion, and we get things done pretty quickly.
if you have a welder and grinder, and can use them, can you bring them with you this Saturday and take the lead in fixing the weldable parts?
If you have pex tools (you plumbers you), please bring them so we can (help you) make use of them.
We will grill hot dogs and hamburgers and fixings for this event on site. So, all you really need to bring is your water bottle and your tools. Boys are welcome to assist in the rebuild and to be in charge of the grilling, but the primary doers on this event are the Dads.