Fri. 03/22/24 to Sat. 03/23/24 Campout NEW LOCATION in Willis Point: Bush craft tent construction, foraging (identify edibles), fish for food, bow & arrow creation, and TSG Manual discussion
March 22, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - March 23, 2024 @ 7:00 pm
Note the earlier dismissal than usual. Camp will end Saturday after dinner.
Campout Packet is below link:
TSG 1 Captain Comments
It’s been great getting to know everyone and keeping the monthly campouts going. We’ll be discussing the manual at the next campout to start incorporating the earning of patches for the boys.
Please register on the website if you have not done so already. You’ll also want to start purchasing TSG clothing to sew on the patches as the boys earn them.
It’s been exciting to follow TSG throughout the U.S. and watch it grow. Of note… There is a TSG National Team Director of Operations role that just opened up. Please consider and discern.
“Accepting resumes for a TSG National Team Director of Operations. The apostolate continues to grow, and this is the next step to ensure each of you as troop member now, and in the future, have the necessary support to thrive in the TSG mission.
Please email [email protected] for a complete job description for this Director of Operations role.
Compensation: Commensurate with experience and ranging from $50 – 75K through a mix of salary and annual incentive (no additional benefits available at this time)
Work Setting: Remote with some, ad hoc, expense paid travel
We request all resumes and a brief description of interest be sent to [email protected]no later than Friday, April 5th.”
Hope to see you at the Campout.
God Bless!
Hard times create Strong Men, Strong Men create Good times, Good times create Weak Men, Weak Men create Hard times
Let’s build up our boys to become Strong Men in good times prior to hard times!
Hope to see you at the Campout.
God Bless!